[dune-fem] Problems with Dune 2.3.1 and dune-fem-howto | SPGRID

Markus markusganser at gmx.de
Sun Jun 22 18:24:04 CEST 2014


I want to implement the multidimensional Black-Scholes equations (>3D) 
in DUNE with DUNE-Fem and SPGrid. Unfortunately I ran into some 
problems. As a first step I want to solve a normal elliptic PDE which is 
already given in the dune-fem-howto (e.g. 04.poisson-2).

- with the new version of Dune (2.3.1) is something wrong with 
dune-fem-howto (1.4). Dunecontrol terminates with
"automake: error: global options already processed"
The same error occurs while using the newest git-version of dune and 

- with Dune 2.3.0, dune-fem-1.4.0 and dune-spgrid-2014-04 works 
dunecontrol fine, but when I want to change the grid to SPGRID, I get 
the error:
error: within this context
        typedef typename EntityPointer::Implementation EntityPointerImpl;"
It is still a 2D problem and YASPGRID as well as ALBERTAGRID works fine. 
I guess, there is something wrong with the linking since dune-fem-howto 
was might not be configured with SPGrid. Is there a good workaround?

Hope, you have an idea what's going on there. By the way, have you 
already made some experience with DUNE (-FEM) and multidimensional PDEs?

Many thanks in advance.

Markus Ganser
Student at IPVS Stuttgart

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