[dune-functions] HierarchicalLagrangeBasis extension space

Oliver Sander oliver.sander at tu-dresden.de
Fri Sep 17 12:51:18 CEST 2021

Hi Lasse,

> My question is, how do I know which indices correspond to the quadratic elements and which are piecewise linear? The only thing I came up so far is looking into the code of the local FE and noticing that the local indices 0, 2 and 5 correspond to the linear parts and 1, 3 and 4 to the quadratic ones (in 2D). Is it okay to use this fact and construct index mappings from here?

ask the LocalFiniteElement for the LocalKey object of the dof.
It will tell you the codimension of the entity that the dof
is assigned to.  If a dof is assigned to a vertex then it has
a linear shape function.


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