[Dune] DUNE advection w/ periodic BC w/ RK4 ?

Theresa Pollinger theresa.pollinger at ipvs.uni-stuttgart.de
Fri Dec 4 16:11:50 CET 2020

Dear DUNE developers,

as you may know, we are using DUNE to run FEM with the sparse grid
combination technique, via coupling to our code DisCoTec [0].

Now for another project, we were simulating a pure advection problem
with another FEM code, which returned rather unexpected results. Now I
wanted to turn the exact same advection problem into a DUNE problem to
validate the results, but it turns out that this is quite hard. Two
things I am struggling with:

- how do you set periodic boundary conditions in all directions? So far
I only found this old answer [1], and a test using YaspGrid looks very
much like periodicity is only set in one dimension, even if I supply an
all-true argument `periodic`.

- What is the proper way to use a Runge-Kutta 4th-order scheme in DUNE?
AFAICT, pdelab only implements up to order 3 RK methods [2]?

Maybe you could let me know if there are people who have already
implemented those things.



[0] https://github.com/SGpp/DisCoTec




Theresa Pollinger

Universität Stuttgart
Institut für Parallele und Verteilte Systeme
Simulation Software Engineering

Universitätsstr. 38
70569 Stuttgart

Phone: +49 711 685 60921

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