[dune-fem] Two io patches

Tom Ranner t.ranner at warwick.ac.uk
Mon Dec 3 12:37:06 CET 2012

Hi all,

I've created two patches which you may find useful for dune fem io.

The first dataoutput-checkwillwrite.patch makes sure that a call to
dataOutput.write() with no arguments still checks if the user wants to
write using willWrite(). This changes the functionality to match the

The second dataoutput-writepvd.patch adds an extra output file of type .pvd.
This is similar to the already created .series file, but is readable by
paraview. This allows use of the time at which the output files represents,
which may be useful to compare runs over with different timesteps etc.
Perhaps this maybe more useful than the .series file.

Tom Ranner
Mathematics Institute
Zeeman Building
University of Warwick

Email: t.ranner at warwick.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0) 7861 173636
Web: go.warwick.ac.uk/tranner
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